
SQL SERVER and Docker

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If you are – as I am – mainly a .NET developer then SQL SERVER is probably the most used database system on your repertoire. Not so long ago, SQL SERVER was running on Windows-only platforms, but now it runs also on Linux based systems. SQL SERVER is a first class citizen on the cloud, […]

Sql Server

Creating Markdown reports from SQL Server queries

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Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text-formatting syntax. It’s is often used for formatting simple readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums, and to create rich text using a plain text editor. You can read more on this link: Sometimes I need simple reports from my SQL Server queries and put […]

.Net Core

Entity Framework Core – Database first

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Entity Framework (EF) Core is a lightweight, extensible, open source and cross-platform version of Entity Framework data access technology. It’s rewritten version of Entity Framework Object-Relation-Mapper for .NET Core. It’s under .NET Foundation , hosted on GitHub, mainly developed by Microsoft, but totally open source. On short, you can use it everywhere: commercial apps, open […]