
Xamarin Forms and ODB2: Talking with the vehicles

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Today, I will present Xamarin Forms (XF) mobile application (iOS and Android) which talks to the vehicle. I will present demo app which reads vehicle speed, engine revolutions per minute-RPM and some other data, such as engine temperature. For that I will use: Xamarin Forms as mobile development framework, On-board diagnostics – ODB2 as car […]


Bluetooth Low Energy UART Service with Xamarin Forms

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A little bit of background. Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard used for exchanging data between fixed and mobile devices over short distances using short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the industrial, scientific and medical radio bands, from 2.402 GHz to 2.480 GHz, and building personal area networks. It was originally conceived as a wireless alternative to […]


Bluetooth GATT Xamarin.Forms client.

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If you read my previous blog post how to create Bluetooth GATT server on top of UWP, then you should be familiar with basics of Bluetooth. In this post I will extend on other side of the “wire” of the Bluetooth communication. I will do this with Xamarin.Forms. In this post I will create simple […]


Bluetooth GATT server.

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Developing applications which use Bluetooth can be tricky. Commonly, on one side of the communication you have some hardware or maybe some IoT device, while on other, there is some mobile app or similar. When doing geenfield projects, normally you don’t have everything in place on the device side, but you need to develop Bluetooth […]