.Net Core

Why I think .NET Core is the best development stack

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net core the best dev stack

.NET Core is here to stay. It’s open source, super fast and super awesome. With .NET Core and cross platform mantra, a .NET renaissance has begun! Microsoft again found just the right way how to regain DEVELOPERS back with hot, interesting and modern development platform. Together with cross-platform development tools, it opens so many interesting voyages for us – .NET developers.


Using Android Java libraries in Xamarin Forms – a practical example.

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xamarin cs java android

Android ecosystem has huge numbers of libraries which can be used in Android-based applications. Technically, these libraries are files with .jar or .aar extensions. When developing Android application with Java these libraries can be directly included/linked in the application and used. Of course, re-usage of these java-based libraries in Xamarin Forms is possible, but the […]


Azure CDN to speed up WordPress web site

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Responsiveness and speed are important characteristics of modern web sites. But, soon as we start using some web (commonly oversized) Content Management System (CMS) we often end up with heavy web portal. High resolution background images, fancy animations, enormous JavaScript frameworks, page with hundreds of http/s server calls, tons of unused plugins (server side) and […]

.Net Core

C#: From Event-based Asynchronous Pattern to Task-based Asynchronous Pattern

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Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) was introduced in .NET Framework 4 and since then, it is the recommended approach to asynchronous programming in .NET.

Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP) is still in use, especially at legacy systems, but for new development is not recommended anymore.

In this post I will show how to wrap EAP into TAP and use more modern approach.


Windows Subsystem for Linux

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The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) enables developers to run a Linux system directly on Windows. This is done without the overhead of a traditional virtual machines. WSL is primarily intended for developers. This allows developers to use Bash, common Linux tools and many Linux-first tools and frameworks (Ruby, Python, etc.) on Windows. In this […]